The Importance of Uniforms for Your Risk Work Using Clothing that Can Disguise Weapons
If you work as a law enforcement agent, corrections officer, security guard or other governmental enforcement agent, you understand how important it is to have your weapon concealed, accessible and secure on your body. Additionally, if you live in an open-carry state or are a hunter or game warden, you also need to take extra precautions and measures to ensure that your pistol is safely holstered and undetectable. Concealment clothing is designed to allow you to hide your weapon in a comfortable way as you run your daily errands or move about at work.
Undercover clothes can be purchased at many brick-and-mortar uniform stores and online at specialty retailers. When shopping for concealment apparel and accessories, you want to shop from well-known manufacturers and brands. These companies have specifically reached out for feedback from Homeland Security, the FBI and other governmental enforcement agencies to obtain invaluable information on the types …
The Importance of Uniforms for Your Risk Work Using Clothing that Can Disguise Weapons Read More