RSA Encryption Method

RSA Encryption Method

The RSA algorithm is a public key method of encryption that uses two large prime numbers. It was developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, after whom it was named. The algorithm has two primary components: the encryption function E and the decryption function D. These functions are modular exponentials over the integers modulo n, where n equals p x q (the product of two large primes).

RSA Encryption Method

RSA stands for Rivest-Shamir-Adleman. RSA encryption is a public key method that uses two large prime numbers to encrypt and decrypt information. It’s used in digital signatures, secure credit card transactions and other applications.

History of RSA Encryption

RSA is a public-key cryptosystem, which means that it can be used to encrypt messages but not to decrypt them. The RSA algorithm was invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman.

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The Difference Between Science and Technology with Examples

The Difference Between Science and Technology with Examples

The basic difference between science and technology is that science is the systematic process of obtaining knowledge and technology is the practical application of that knowledge. While science is useful to mankind, technology has a variety of uses and is either beneficial or detrimental depending on the person using it. While science’s basic principles remain the same throughout, technology is constantly changing. While technology makes use of inventions and discoveries, science is more focused on making predictions and fulfilling man’s needs.

Science is a methodical way of gaining knowledge

There are many different definitions of science, but most agree on the fact that it is a systematic process of learning about the world around us. Science involves the systematic study of nature using experiments and observation. The different branches of science are called science disciplines. The difference between science and technology is that science focuses on the natural world while …

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The Similarities Between Science and Technology

The Similarities Between Science and Technology

If you’re curious about the similarities between science and technology, you’ve come to the right place. Both are empirical sciences, which means that they’re based on knowledge, and they’re both crucial cornerstones of the American economy. However, what makes science so much better than technology? The differences between the two are numerous, but they can’t be dismissed. After all, they’re both the application of scientific discoveries.

Science and technology are empirical sciences

The field of science is a systematic study of the physical world, whereas technology is the practical application of this knowledge. The introductory essay describes four formulations of STS: conceptual minimalism, theoretical materialism, and the empirical. These formulations don’t identify conceptual and empirical as the opposites of one another; instead, they point to the use of the empirical as a path to conceptual minimalism. For a thorough treatment of the subject, Oxford Reference is a useful resource.

The …

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Facts About Electronic Waste

Facts About Electronic Waste

When thinking about electronic waste, one’s mind may go directly to cell phones, laptops, and computers. However, it is much more than that because it includes anything with a battery or a plug. Most people outside of the electronics recycling industry may be surprised to learn what the biggest e-waste categories are and the current state of this type of waste in the US.


There are ten different types of electronic waste. The first type is major appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines. The second category is small appliances, including blenders and vacuum cleaners, and the third category is telecommunication and computer appliances, which include telephones, cell phones, and computers. Consumer electronics cover musical instruments, televisions, and audio equipment, while fluorescent lights, incandescent light bulbs, and gas-discharge lamps are part of the lighting devices category. 

The sixth type of e-waste is electronic and electrical tools …

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Pulse Oximeter For Children Is Specially Made To Fit Their Small Fingers

Pulse Oximeter For Children Is Specially Made To Fit Their Small Fingers

Youngsters suffer the same medical conditions that adults do in their unique way. One of the most common health concerns is child asthma. Asthma is pretty a typical condition that has its roots in causes which are not quite known. However, there is a necessity to watch the oxygen levels of individuals with asthma to ensure they may be getting enough oxygen within their system.

The reason you have to do it is that our bodies live and thrive off oxygen. If there is a shortage thereof then your body can experience serious health effects that could are so easily avoided. A device that’s made particularly for children for asthma is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that essentially works in that manner: you determine your finger inside the product and then within seconds you get a reading of your respective pulse rate and …

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