The Role of Information Technology in the Medical Field

The Role of Information Technology in the Medical Field

The importance of information technology in the medical field is evident in its many benefits. In the past, health care centers would have separate data departments. Managing such data required considerable resources and space. Additionally, paper is a relatively inefficient storage medium. These benefits, as well as the resulting cost savings, have resulted in increased efficiency and increased patient care. To maximize the advantages of information technology in the medical field, it is essential to understand what exactly it is used for.


There are many benefits to interoperability of information technology in the medical field. The exchange of information between different healthcare providers would make the process more efficient and improve the quality of care. Further, the interoperability of healthcare data would improve the financial performance of healthcare organizations. It also allows financial incentives for interoperability. Here are a few of them. Read on to discover how interoperability can …

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Information Technology in Healthcare Examples

Information Technology in Healthcare Examples

There are many information technology in healthcare examples that illustrate how different types of organizations use IT to improve patient care. Some of the examples include: Electronic medical records, patient portals, and HITECH Omnibus Rule. Read on to learn about the benefits of each type of solution. We’ve also discussed HIPAA, HITECH, and patient portals. If you’re not familiar with these terms, you may want to check out this article to learn more about each type.


PII or protected health information, as it’s known in the healthcare industry, is information about a patient’s health that is identifiable. PII is information that has been transmitted to another person and may not be kept private unless it is transmitted in a specific manner. Examples of PHI include daily blood pressure readings on a form that contains the patient’s name and address. In some instances, PII is only protected in certain circumstances, …

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