2 Most Innovative Energy Technology of Tomorrow
The ever increasing energy greed/need has forced the scientists to look beyond the conventional sources of energy and innovate something which may prove as the Energy Nirvana. The spiraling consumption of conventional energy has resulted in the gradual degradation of the quality of air & water which may prove life-threatening for future generations. The solution is to focus on renewable sources of energy i.e. Green Technologies.
There are indeed a few commendable progress during the past 2/3 years in this direction. Most prominent & innovative among them are:
Bloom Box Wireless Electricity
Bloom Box: It is considered as a magical box of the size of a small bread-loaf which will generate enough power to meet the energy requirement of an American home. The unit doesn’t vibrate, emits no sound and no smell. Moreover, it can be scaled up based on your power needs. It can be pumped with bio-fuel, biogas …
2 Most Innovative Energy Technology of Tomorrow Read More