Facts About Electronic Waste

Facts About Electronic Waste

When thinking about electronic waste, one’s mind may go directly to cell phones, laptops, and computers. However, it is much more than that because it includes anything with a battery or a plug. Most people outside of the electronics recycling industry may be surprised to learn what the biggest e-waste categories are and the current state of this type of waste in the US.


There are ten different types of electronic waste. The first type is major appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines. The second category is small appliances, including blenders and vacuum cleaners, and the third category is telecommunication and computer appliances, which include telephones, cell phones, and computers. Consumer electronics cover musical instruments, televisions, and audio equipment, while fluorescent lights, incandescent light bulbs, and gas-discharge lamps are part of the lighting devices category. 

The sixth type of e-waste is electronic and electrical tools …

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