Examples of Technology in Healthcare
Examples of technology in healthcare today range from Wearable devices to Bio-printing to Artificial organs. From telemedicine to Bio-printing, new technologies are changing the face of healthcare. But what makes some examples better than others? The key is combining the right technology with a strong desire to improve patient experience. Here are four examples. Let’s explore each one. And remember: the patient experience goes hand-in-hand with patient outcomes.
Artificial organs
Many people have been skeptical of artificial organs, but new technologies have made the possibility possible. Artificial kidneys and hearts are now routinely used, and total cardiac prostheses have been a successful bridge to transplant. In addition, different surgical implants have been developed over the years and are now widely used worldwide. As the world’s population ages, more people will require artificial organ technologies. The advancement of artificial organ technologies can help prevent organ failure at its earliest stages.
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