Guidelines for Technology Use in Healthcare
New technologies are transforming how we provide health care. But how should healthcare systems prepare for these new technologies? This article will discuss the various challenges associated with using new technologies. Read on for a review of Exclusion criteria, Payment models, and Virtual reality (VR).
Exclusion criteria
Studies that evaluate the impact of technology on patient care often fail to address some of the most important inclusion and exclusion criteria. For example, many studies fail to report demographic data, such as educational attainment and race, and over half do not collect this information. These factors have been shown to significantly impact health outcomes, so reliable reporting of these variables is essential to external validity. Other studies fail to report information on digital literacy, which is a critical component of effective digital health interventions.
Researchers evaluated 29 studies using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These studies were grouped according to study …
Guidelines for Technology Use in Healthcare Read More